The name is Jakkenblue, and welcome to my den. I am one of many wolves you may encounter on the internet. You might recognize me from a Twitch stream, possibly a clip on YouTube, or perhaps you stumbled upon my page. Here, I will focus on writing and sporadically post updates. There won't be a specific topic focus; rather, I'll write about whatever strikes me at the moment. I hope you find an interesting post, and if you want to find me in more places, I'm available on several social media platforms under the name Jakkenblue.
Sometimes, I struggle to find the creativity to draw, especially during streams. I’ve tried various prompt generators, but they often feel too guiding, leaving little room for creative freedom. That's when I realized that shortening prompts to just individual words could offer the creative boost I needed. So, here it is! It's still a work in progress, and I plan to add weekly and monthly challenges soon.
For now, enjoy generating words to fuel your creativity.
I'd love to hear your feedback!
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